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Let's be 'local loyal'

Waitaki App is run by locals for locals, so we know it's those loyal local connections that keep businesses thriving all year round.

That’s why we have a zone for the free promotion of  "Free Stuff & Hot Deals" so that local people never miss out on the best local offers going around.

We want your offers!

If you’re offering a freebie, discount or special, we want to share it on Waitaki App to encourage everyone to get involved in your local. 

What’s it going to cost you? 

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

How does it work?

You fill out the form telling us about your offer and attach your preferred image.  

We load it onto Waitaki App.

People check our 'local loyal' section for offers which means more traffic your way for what you’re already doing. 

Ready to jump on board?

If you’ve got an offer (or want to create one) - fill out this form and we’ll get you live on the app asap.

Please note, we ask you to upload two images as part of this form; 1x logo (square formats work best), 1x listing image (ideally 1280 x 880 pixels but must be less than 2MB).


We know you're local loyal too!

Download our social media frame and add it to your profile pics to show you're local loyal too. 

Local Loyal

Click on the image above to download the zip file.

Extract the image and then use your favourite photo editor to create your new social media profile pic. 

Let's show local businesses our support!

#localloyalwaitaki #realloyal #waitakiapp

Waitaki App Portrait Home Page Screen Shot - Local Loyal
Waitaki App Portrait Screen Shots - Local Loyal
Waitaki App Portrait Screen Shot - Local Loyal

Our core values are community, connection & inclusion. That's why we make it FREE to share your special offers and help make sure locals know about them.
WAL-Scan to Download
CAG Landscape Screen Shots x3
Our core values are community, connection & inclusion. That's why our What's on Guide is free to share with everyone in our district.